Posts Tagged ‘Tuscany holidays’

The Renaissance in Florence was a time of artistic and cultural upheaval, with names such as Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo Da Vinci making their mark in history. But during this period, there were several other Florentines, namely the famous Pazzi family, who wanted to make changes in society, and definitely not with paintbrushes. The Pazzi [...]

Undoubtedly one of the most famous saints of Siena, is Catherine of Siena. Born in 1347, this woman was to become an incredibly important figure in Italian history, and later would even be declared a patron saint of Italy. But although much of the information about Catherine is factual, there is also a very special [...]

“The piazza is packedwith a rabble of poor, filthy peasants. The bell tolls nine, and the crowd’s attention focuses on three men. Having been victims of cruel degredation, they now stand in their under garments, ready to be strung up and burnt to death…”

The name may be difficult for some English speakers to say (the correct way is kee-AHN-tee), but despite any minor errors in the pronunciation of Chianti, everyone is aware of the connection with the fine, red wine. The tradition of cultivating this wine goes back to the Etruscans, who lived in this area of Tuscany [...]


Christmas in Florence is not to be missed. To celebrate the festive season, Florence’s streets and historic centre come alive with Christmas magic. Nativities of all shapes and sizes can be found in and around Florence. Many are lifelike and others are, well, actually alive!

Leaning Tower Pisa Tour

All over the world, there are a great number of incredible architectural structures. Many of them grand, elegant and vast in their size and influence. But there is one structure, one very famous piece of architecture than is known not for its grandness, elegance or size, but instead for the fact that it’s, well, totally [...]

Roberto Benigni - Tuscany, Italy

Ask any Italian to name a fantastic Italian film and you can almost guarantee they will say ‘La Vita è Bella!‘ (whilst gesticulating wildly to express just how good the film really is). And what makes this film so great? Well, it’s not only the touching story of a Jewish man, finding ways to help [...]

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